Lalitpur, April 13, 2018, Loo Niva organized a one-day annual ESP focal teacher meeting in Loo Niva meeting hall. There are all together male 12 and female 3 in total 15 focal teachers were participants in the meeting. The workshop included 21 working area's schools of Lalitpur Metropolitan Area (Bugamati, Khokana, Sainbu, Dapakhel and Sunakothi), Godawari Municipality (Chammpi, Dukuchhap, Chapagaun, Thecho and Thaiba), Kathmandu (Dakshinkali Municipality (Seti Devi).
During the meeting we program coordinator Mr. Krishna Govinda Maharjan welcome the participants and program officer Ms.Sabina Bhandari present the progress report of ESP and planning of ESP for 2018.
The meeting was mainly focused on to collect the final progress report ESP students as well as oriented about the ESP plan of 2018 and collect the feedback and suggestions from the teachers.