Loo Niva and Patan CBR jointly conducted refresher training for the LAMC members on the lobby and monitoring tools and technics on 29 March 2023 at Bagaicha Restaurant, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur. Mr. Milan Raj Dharel, human rights activist facilitated
the training. Mr. Ram Kunwar, project officer of Patan CBR also facilitated on disability issues. LAMC members are equipped with the tools and technics for the lobby and monitoring the implementation of child protection and education initiatives. 27 members (18 male & 9 Female) of LAMC and youth volunteers from both rural municipalities participated in the training. The refresher training focused on strengthening and capacitating the LAMC members for active coordination with
ward offices, rural municipalities, the process of coordinating with child clubs, and other likeminded organizations. The training also focused on ways to address child protection and inclusive education, plans, and actions of the government. At last, Mr. Sant Ram Dangol, Program Manager of Loo Niva facilitated to development of the twoyear plan of LAMC.