One day focal teacher workshop on Engaging and Encouraging Children to pay attention and Focus on Learning at Grace Hotel, Bhainsepati, Lalitpur
One day focal teacher workshop on Engaging and Encouraging Children to pay attention and Focus on Learning at Grace Hotel, Bhainsepati, Lalitpur
17th Feb 2021, Loo Niva conducted differents types of program where give awareness to our Stakeholdera about the State Facilities.
Learning Visit different school's head teachers and teachers from Dadeldhura to different Schools of Kathmandu and Kavre.
MPAC Formation (Meeting and Social Audit interaction with Stakeholders)- AISP(2019)
Annual Gathering Program(ESP) is one of the major activities under ESP Project........
Loo Niva is going to conduct a esp annual gathering and workshop to empour the youth to develop knowlege and skill on entrepreneurship......
Annual Gathering Program is one of the major activities under ESP Project. The children were gathered once in a year to collect Annual Progress Report, greeting letter, dress measurement and additional......
Annual Gathering Program is one of the major activities under ESP Project. The children were gathered once in a year to collect Annual Progress Report, greeting letter, dress measurement and additional information and education material distribution.