Loo Niva Child Concern Group together with Interpedia Ry. with financial support from Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland have been running Concern for Education Project in four villages :Ajaymeru, Samaiji, Mastamandu and Ganeshpur of Dadeldhura District, a far western district of Nepal. The project aim to contribute on the improvement of enrolment, retention and progression of children in 24 schools of project area through improving quality of teaching learning practices, provision of scholarships, parents and community awareness, networking and wider campaigning together with other NGOs in the district and at national level. The overall objective of the project is brighter future prospects of children through increased quality of education in Dadeldhura of Nepal.The direct objective of the project is improved quality of education and improved access to educational facilities especially in primary education in project area. Dadeldhura is situated in the Far Western Development Region of Nepal. Whether it is health, education, infrastructure, the districts in the hills of Far Western Nepal rank among the lowest in the nation. The situation is worse with the women and children, who are the lowest in human development and empowerment index. The Caste discrimination, gender discrimination, taboos, other discriminating customary practices are a real challenge. The challenges can only be tackled with education and development or development of education. Dadeldhura ranks 59th out of 75 districts of Nepal in the school enrollment rates; slightly better than the other districts in the far western regions but still low on national standards. The literacy rate of Dadeldhura is 51.62 percent, which is less than the national average of 60.3 percent. Dadeldhura is chosen as one of the three model building districts for government School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP).Loo Niva is expanding the good practices of its work in the remote district through district education offices and conducting policy influences at national level. Achievements The concern for education phase one project till the end of its second year 2013 have been able to contribute significantly on promoting access to quality education for children of rural Dadeldhura. The project has been able to train school teachers on child friendly teaching learning; Strengthened capacity of SMC/PTA members; promoted childrens clubs; educated parents and community people on importance of education. Due to the interventions of awareness raising, teachers training, SMC/PTA mobilization and strengthening, educational support and improving infrastructure; educational attainment of children in the project location have improved on attendance ratio, net enrolment and progression. It has significantly raised the evidence-based campaign to reduce political interferences in schools of Nepal through a national study, raising agenda during constitution assembly election campaign and public hearing. Due to the project interventions, local community organizations such as village level youth clubs are also now motivated to work for child rights, human rights and education area. Further the local NGOs and district education office in Dadeldhura have improved their networking and coordination having a regular coordination and networking meeting. With media campaign and radio programs, local media have been now continuously reporting education issues through their radio and newspapers.